Six Ways to Prepare for Hurricane Season

With hurricane season now in full swing,
Six Things You and Your Family Need to Know

1. Build an emergency kit with enough supplies to last 72-hours. Don’t forget to have cash on hand to purchase essentials.

2.  Remember your pets! Many hotels and motels will not accept pets, so locate alternate housing like relatives, pet-friendly hotels or dog boarding kennels in areas outside of storm area.

3.  Protect your home’s windows with shutters or plywood, bring in outdoor furniture, decoration and anything else not tied down; clean gutters and downspouts

4.  Make sure you have a full tank of gas in your car because fuel may be hard to come by. If you plan to tough out the storm, make sure you have a generator and ample fuel to last 3 or more days.

5.  If evacuation is imminent, follow instructions issued by local officials and review FEMA evacuation procedures. It is important to make the decision to evacuate well in advance, so that you can avoid traffic congestion, fuel shortage and lack of available housing along evacuation routes.

6.  After the hurricane passes, wait until local officials declare the area safe before returning home

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