Air Medical Transport Facts from AirMed

Get to know about air medical transports with AirMed

Air medical transport

FACT:  80% of AirMed transports are within the continental United States

  • We own our own aircraft; all aviation and medical personnel are AirMed employees. Complete vertical integration sets us apart in the industry, in fact, most travel insurers call on us to move their patients.
  • With AirMed, the choice is always yours. Travel insurance will not get you home, only to the ‘nearest appropriate facility’ chosen by them. AirMed brings you home, to your doctor, your family, where you want to be.

FACT: The cost of a regional medical transport is approximately $22,000. The cost of an international transport can rise above $200,000.

FOLLOW UP FACT: 100% of our patients who have had to pay this full bill immediately become AirMed members when they return home. Retail cost of an annual AirMed individual membership: $265.
  • Saving lives and bringing you home. AirMed brings you back home to your local hospital or to the hospital of your choice. Think your health insurance will cover air medical transportation? It won’t.
FACT: 25% of all AirMed member transports are to specialty facilities.
  • Evacuation and Repatriation from any point on the globe, even as close as 150 miles from home
  • Domestic Transports if you need specialized treatment at a hospital in another city
  • 24/7 Medical Hotline for emergency physician consultation while traveling
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