If the Travel Bug Bites You, Make Sure It’s the Healthy Kind

Travel Healthy With These 7 Tips

family vacation

Germs know no borders. Whether you're going by boat, plane, train, or automobile, travel bugs are bound to greet you. Here are a few tips on how you can take a trip unscathed.

1) Stay hydrated. Hydration throughout your trip can prevent nasal passages from being irritated, and sipping on water assists with immune function.

2) Change seats. If traveling by plane during flu season speak with a flight attendant about relocating if someone near you is sick.

3) Skip the airline blankets and pillows. Your best bet is to bring your own as airlines typically only change these out every 18-24 months.

4) Vitamin up. Adequate levels of essential vitamins and minerals are important for optimal health. Zinc in the form of lozenges or syrup has been shown to reduce the length of a cold by a day, and taking it regularly might reduce the number of colds you get each year.

5) Sanitizer, Sanitizer, Sanitizer. Always travel with hand sanitizer. A study published in Clinical Infectious Diseases found that in an objective evaluation of public restroom environmental hygiene on 56 cruise ships, only 37 percent of selected restroom surfaces were cleaned daily.

6) Look to the plastic. Only drink from cups wrapped in plastic! You never know if the housekeeper was wearing the same gloves to wash the cups as she did to clean the toilet. (Unpleasant to think about, even more unpleasant to get sick because of it.)

7) It’s in the kit. Make your own travel medical kit in your checked bags to include over-the-counter items such as antibiotic and anti-itch creams, antihistamine and decongestant, anti-diarrhea and anti-nausea remedies, as well as something for heartburn and pain relievers that work for you.

Happy, healthy travels!

For more tips on how to save your life, visit airmed.com

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