Emory University Research Group relies on AirMed to cover staff in the field

The main RZHRG laboratory founded by Emory University

The RZHRG Has Depended on AirMed for 8 Years

Since 2005, The Rwanda Zambia HIV Research Group (RZHRG), based at Emory University in Atlanta, has relied on AirMed to provide membership coverage for Dr. Susan Allen and approximately 15 staff members annually.

Dr. Allen has been at the forefront of HIV research in Africa for more than 25 years, and during that time has seen an important need for AirMed to protect herself and her staff members that live and conduct field study in Africa. The foundation of RZHRG research is Couples Voluntary Counseling and Testing, in which a husband and wife are educated about HIV and learn their status together.

Under the direction of Dr. Allen, the RZHRG has proven effective and operates research centers in Lusaka and Ndola Zambia as well as Kigali, Rwanda. Each site conducts HIV Vaccine Research, implements preventative services in government clinics, and operates Centers of Excellence which conduct international training and capacity building activities for health professionals.

AirMed coverage provides RZHRG staff (and their friends and family) peace of mind that the best medical care is always just a phone call away.

“AirMed has been an invaluable component in RZHRG’s international research activities,” said Dr. Susan Allen, the group’s founder.

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